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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Plan.

Usually I expect to make gigantic changes of Me with minimal to no planning. And then when I do succeed I can get discouraged and revert back to "normal " Me. One of my favorite quotes is  "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."  Albert Einstein

We all get into our routine and live life, letting time go by and not really participating. Kind of like a being on a life raft drifting hither and nigh on the ocean. Each time a large wave hits the raft it responds by going in another direction. Each time life hits us, do we just drift in another direction OR do we grab an oar, start a motor and create our own direction. We can count on life to buffet us with "waves." We cannot control that, the only thing we can control is our reaction to the "waves."

I have a plan to deal with the buffeting. Now instead of doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result I am grabbing an oar, no I am grabbing a turbocharged four stroke trunk piston diesel engine such as a Wartsila, Pielstick, Sulzer, MAK etc. (as found in the majority of ocean going vessels) and taking control of Me!!!

So I will look at the six areas of my life that I want to change. Determine my optimal expectation and develop a plan. Why? Because I deserve it and so do you.

Remember the next 50 are the Me years. To be the best Me I can be. This is not selfish. Everyone around you will benefit.  Keep reading.... 

1 comment:

  1. I love it!! Can I be some fuel to help keep that engine going? Thanks for always being such an inspiration to me
