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Friday, November 11, 2011

It has been too long!

So I fell down a flight of cement stairs. Certainly not on purpose. While I was falling I kept thinking, "I wish this falling would stop so I can assess the damage." Well when I did not stop the damage was a left forearm, left knee abraisons, abraisons to on my left hand, left ankle and left toes. I took seven  bandages to cover the abrasions to help stop the pain. It took weeks to get over the event!!!!
My running and exercising took a hit, and I admit now that I used the pain as an excuse.

So when I start something it seems like I stop and self sabatoge with out even really thinking about it. I think it starts out with the feeling that I can not do what I have set out to do. The first step to fix something is to recognize the problem and then chose to fix the problem. You decide to either empower you or enpower the problem.

Therefore, the couch to 5 k plan is back on track, and it is going well. The P90x abd ripper x is awful but good. It is hard to start anything more than chair sitting and TV watching, but the finish sure feels good.

So back at it, here we go????!!!!!